Through the activity “Dissemination and promotion of citizen participation for the appreciation and defense of Cultural Heritage”, the National Archaeological Park of Machupicchu (PANM) permanently carries out awareness-raising work on the care and conservation of the Inka Trail that leads to the Inka city of Machupicchu. On an ongoing basis, awareness talks are held at the Piscacucho Control and Surveillance Post at Km 82, the beginning of the Inka Trail, in order to raise awareness among tour operators and staff about the conservation of the cultural and natural heritage.
At the same time, through the activity “Theoretical and practical awareness and involvement workshops for students of the Machupicchu National Archaeological Park”, the PANM develops awareness-raising activities for primary and secondary school students belonging to the district of Machupicchu. The purpose of these awareness-raising activities is to educate and motivate students to actively participate in the conservation of the Inca city of Machupicchu, highlighting the importance of involving the younger generations in the protection of our cultural and natural heritage.
Likewise, the Coordination of Identity and Cultural Diffusion develops community awareness workshops focused on the preservation of the Inka Trail. During the workshops, participants are encouraged to understand the importance of the Inka trail as a living testimony of ancestral engineering and as an invaluable cultural legacy, committing themselves to take care of it and preserve it for future generations, as well as recognizing the existence of an emotional link between the community and its cultural and natural heritage.
For further information, please send an e-mail to: (Antrop. Edwin Moisés Campos Castro, Coordinación de Identidad y Difusión Cultural del PANM)